

Monday, August 22, 2011

More August paintings

On Saturday, August 20, Brenda Hughes and I went to the intersection of Dickinson and Greenville Blvd and painted the old church/antique store site, which has fallen into great disrepair, and even been condemned.  The set of buildings has intrigued me for several years, but on this day, with rain threatening, and no other painters having expressed interest, it seemed like a good time to paint.  We got a late start and finished early due to raindrops. 

At the url below (please copy and paste into your browser), you will find my plein air painting of the Dickinson church, as well as a plein air painting of a heat-hazy day on the Pamlico, and an in-studio painting of The Old State House in Boston.

When you arrive at the url destination, be sure to select "Slideshow" option -- it's more fun!


Incidentally, the last post included a Country Matter painting of some slaughtered chickens in a farmhouse outbuilding window.  The image may strike folks as raw, but it is simply country.  Some wife cared enough about the pot of flowers to place it on the window sill to catch the sun.  That seems to me to be emblematic of the human condition, where bright shafts of color lighten the grim necessities of life.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

If you lose, don't lose the lesson

So, a funny thing happened on my way to my blog: My email was hacked.  The hacker told many of the people on my contact list that I was in Spain and needed money.  He then destroyed my contact list.

Nice guy.  I won't bore you with the details of the hours and days and weeks spent re-establishing contacts (actually, three weeks out and I'm still working on it).  Let me just say that Yahoo was totally unresponsive and even counter-productive in my efforts to right my digital ship.  My new email address therefore is: peterh43038@suddenlink.net.

And the lesson?  The lesson if you lose?  Never place trust in anyone or anything named YAHOO!

The summer heat, I don't have to tell anyone, has made plein air painting difficult and sparse.  However, painting has happened.  So for now, please follow this url, and see the August paintings:

Will be back soon with more lessons, and more paintings, and more news of Painting Purple (and other colors).